L’8 marzo delle donne palestinesi

Con l’adesione delle donne palestinesi alla ricorrenza della giornata dell’8 marzo i movimenti del femminismo occidentale sono posti di fronte al problema: se continuare ad essere la rappresentazione della donna occidentale nella relazione storica che la determina all’interno del rapporto colonialista verso le donne africane, mediorientali, asiatiche, latine – ossia le colonizzate da parte dell’OccidenteContinua a leggere “L’8 marzo delle donne palestinesi”

Niger and the African seething

So let us try to understand it better, without hiding behind a finger, and immediately say that the exultation of the masses of oppressed and exploited Africans is a further sign of the destabilization phase of the mode of production at West hegemony, otherwise known as: the revolution is proceeding its unstoppable course.

Open Letter to the spirit of May 28th 2020

Recognizing that a movement arose, developed and then ebbed away is great wisdom, as is determinism in its ‘latent’ state (Lenin would have said), i.e. unconscious as a theoretical conception but correct in its approach to facts.

The tree of the rule of law and the unequal forest

On December 20, 2022 immediately after the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Cospito case this blog published an article entitled Alfredo Cospito: not guilty! This title was meant to counter the rhetoric of the state confirming the harshest of convictions against the anarchist guilty of his terrorist actions. Alfredo Cospito’s actions, on the other hand,Continua a leggere “The tree of the rule of law and the unequal forest”

Alfredo Cospito: not guilty

English translation of the article “Alfredo Cospito: innocente” 20 Dicembre 2022 Piazza del Quirinale, 41, Rome [1]. The Constitutional Court confirms the legitimacy of the State to defend itself by any means against man, the anarchist Alfredo Cospito who causes so much fear to those who defend the equal right between unequals, the private ownershipContinua a leggere “Alfredo Cospito: not guilty”

Roma Caput Mundi? The Plague

Roma the master of the world? Again? Yes, maybe, again possible? But not by the hand of Roman Old Age Society. What is if Rome becomes the center of an epidemic, which then quickly becomes a pandemic? We already have a swine fever epidemic at home, the poor wild boars, driven from their woodland habitatsContinua a leggere “Roma Caput Mundi? The Plague”

Ukraine: questions on internationalism and the «community»

English translation of the italian text Ucraina: domande sull’internazionalismo e la «comunità». Following the two articles of this blog, The truth in wartime [“La verità in tempo di guerra“] and The mobilization that does not exist and the internationalist expectation [“La mobilitazione che non c’è e l’aspettativa internazionalista“], some sporadic events are happening in the stalemate of an ongoing militaryContinua a leggere “Ukraine: questions on internationalism and the «community»”

Ukraine and avant-guard legacy mistakes

This blog suggests reading of this text “War in Ukrain: Ten Lessons from Syria” published by Crimethinc that reports point of view, analysis, lessons and about what is to be done coming from a collective of Syrian exiles and their comrades. This blogs would take part of a common debates that internationally is involving aContinua a leggere “Ukraine and avant-guard legacy mistakes”